Vous lisez : Economic crisis could affect student jobs

The findings of a survey conducted among its members by the Ordre des conseillers en ressources humaines agréés indicate that employers could be hiring fewer students this summer given the current economic environment.

The professionals surveyed estimate that 68% of employers are likely to hire fewer students this summer, while 60% could cut back their student training programs.

“Obviously in troubled economic times, employers tend to cut their human resources first. It seems that jobs usually available to students will also be affected this summer. And that’s a shame because summer jobs are often a good investment for the future. Not only are they a good opportunity for organizations to identify and train future employees, but they are also a valuable training experience for students,” explained Florent Francoeur, Ordre president and CEO.

Among HR professionals
In response to the Ordre’s survey, close to one-third of the HR professionals interviewed confirmed that their organization plans to hire fewer students this summer. A similar proportion, some 30%, plans to recruit as many students as last year.

Interestingly, 65% of respondents reported that the salary conditions for students hired by their organization this summer would remain the same as last year.

Highlights of the
Ordre des conseillers en ressources humaines agréés survey

This internal survey was conducted by the Ordre des conseillers en ressources humaines agréés from April 30 to May 13, 2009. Data was collected from Ordre members via the Internet and is intended for information purposes only.

Key findings: (n = 100)

Compared to last year, and given the current economic environment, do you think employers are likely to hire more or fewer students this summer?

More 2,1 %
Fewer 68,0 %
Same as last year 17,5 %
Don’t know 12,4 %

Compared to last year, and given the current economic environment, do you think employers are likely to offer more or fewer student training periods this summer?

More 5,1 %
Fewer 59,8 %
Same as last year 19,6 %
Don't know 15,5 %

Compared to last year, does your organization plan to hire more or fewer students this summer?

More 7,0 %
Fewer 31,0 %
Same as last year 30,0 %
Don’t know 8,0 %
Doesn’t hire students 24,0 %

Compared to last year, are the conditions (pay, benefits, etc.) for student employment in your organization this summer

Better 8,1 %
Worse 1,0 %
The same 64,7 %
Don’t know 3,0 %
Doesn’t hire students 23,2 %


Male 32,3 %    
Female 67,7%    
Âge   Organization size  
18-34 37,5% Under 50 employees 11,8%
35-44 28,1% 50-99 employees 22,6%
45-54 28,1% 100-499 employees 12,9%
55-64 6,3% 500-999 employees 25,8%
65 and over 0,0% 1,000 employees or more 24,7%
No answer 0,0% Refus de répondre 2,2%
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